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Faith: An Oasis in the Heart and Soul

An oasis is a fertile area of desert that sustains plant life and provides habitat for animals. Water may be present, or water may only be accessible from wells or underground channels. It's also a rest stop one can enjoy on a long journey.

An oasis of faith is a place of calm and refreshment, just the kind of place where you want your heart and soul to be when your life journey and the world-at-large seems busy, and even out of control.

The Confidence of Faith

The concept of faith and the word “faith” is used between over 336 times to over 550 times in Scripture, depending on the version cited. The understanding of the concept of faith in Scripture also varies, depending on the context in which the word is used. Inside and outside the pages of Scripture, the concept of faith takes on a whole different life, suggesting confidence in God and oneself.

James, one of the sons of Joseph and Mary and a half-brother of Jesus, tells us in his epistle even the demons know intellectually Jesus in the Son of God (James 2:19). And two verses earlier, he tells us faith without works, without action, is dead (James 2:17). As we walk with God, we have to do what he wills us to do. A genuine active faith goes beyond believing in God bears fruit.

In John 3:16, we are told by the Apostle there is more to faith than believing God exists. The faith he describes is a belief in the greatness of a God who would give his only Son on the Cross.

Regardless of your age and the challenges you face on your journey in life, on way to your final destination with the Lord, it's comforting to know you have an oasis you can enjoy, where he is waiting for you with the living water you can access at any time by trusting him and having heart-felt faith in him as your Lord and Savior.

In God's Words

"Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'"(John 4:13-14)

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” (Isaiah 43:2)

In the Words of Others

“God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will still be in trouble even if He doesn’t come through.” Francis Chan

“Everything happens for a reason. Wait on God and trust in Him. He wants the best for us. He wants to take us from glory to glory, and from victory to victory.” Germany Kent

In Your Words

Lord Jesus, strengthen my faith so no matter what I face in life, I will trust you, love you, praise you, and thank you for being my refreshing and comforting oasis.



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