The concept of mindfulness has been around for centuries in one way or another. At its core is the simple idea that your attention is present in the moment. You are intentionally in the present moment, not looking back and not looking forward. You are completely aware of what is going on around you or inside you, and accepting it without judgement.
Seems simple enough, doesn't it? And yet, how many of us actually experience pure mindfulness. Or, is there even such a thing. In fact, mindfulness has also been labeled as a type of meditation featuring certain breathing methods, the use of imagery, and numerous other practices to focus on what one is sensing and feeling in the now, the present moment.
I would like to suggest there is another practice that helps us focus on the present moment, whenever that moment occurs. It's raising your heart, your mind, your emotions, and even your voice to offer praise and thanksgiving for the day, the moment, the Lord has made, no matter what that moment or day brings.
As the Psalmist declares in Psalm 118:24, "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
The psalmist's refrain is a wonderful reminder that every minute of your day, every now, is made by God, who knows all things and does not make mistakes. He always has your best interest in mind, no matter what occurs.
When you're having a good day or moment, when you're having a bad day or moment, consciously stop, take a smooth unforced breath, and appreciate who you are, a creation of an almighty and loving God.